Tesi di Dottorato
M. Giancotti, 2015. Scale Efficiency of Public Hospitals: A Systematic Review and An
Empirical Application.

Pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche nazionali e/o internazionali
1. Giancotti M., Rotundo G., Cattafi G., Mauro M., 2024. Earnings management in Italian
family and non family unlisted companies: the moderating effect of gender diversity.
Piccola Impresa/Small Business. Rivista scientifica ANVUR. Rivista AIDEA (Ranking
Q1). In press.
2. Santarpino, G., Di Mauro, M., De Feo, M., Menicanti, L., Paparella, D., Mastroroberto, P.,
Speziale, G., Pollari, F., Mauro, M., Torella, M., Coscioni, E., Barili, F., Parolari, A. (2024).
Mechanical heart valves and oral anticoagulation: a survey of the Italian Society of Cardiac
Surgery. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine, 25(1), 38-43.
3. Santarpino, G., Di Mauro, M., De Feo, M., Paparella, D., Menicanti, L., Mastroroberto, P.,
Speziale, G., Pollari, F., Mauro, M., Giancotti, M., Cardetta, F., Torella, M., Coscioni, E.,
Barili, F., Parolari, A. (2024). Il ruolo delle protesi valvolari meccaniche oggi. Dalla
letteratura alla situazione italiana. Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia, 25(1), 36-41.
4. Giancotti, M., Rotundo, G. and Mauro, M. (2024), “Factors affecting judicial system
efficiency: a systematic mapping review with a focus on Italy”, International Journal of
Productivity and Performance Management. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPPM-05-
2023-0215. RIVISTA ANVUR (Classe B) – RIVISTA AIDEA (Ranking Q1) – Ranking 1
(ABS 2021) – Ranking B (ABCD 2022).
5. Mauro, M., Giancotti, M., Pipitone, V., & Tiscini, R. (2023). Covid-19 on stock market
performance: evidence from Italy. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 36(3),
2264369. RIVISTA ANVUR (Classe B).
6. Mauro, M., Giancotti, M., Ferrari, E. R., & Cattafi, G. (2023). Board gender diversity and
performance in gazelles: evidence from a sample of Italian private hospitals. Piccola
Impresa/Small Business, (2). RIVISTA ANVUR (Classe B) – RIVISTA AIDEA (Ranking
7. Mauro, M., & Giancotti, M. (2023). The 2022 primary care reform in Italy: Improving
continuity and reducing regional disparities? Health Policy, 135, 104862. RIVISTA
ANVUR CLASSE A – RIVISTA AIDEA (Ranking Q1) – Ranking 2 (ABS 2021) – Ranking
A (ABCD 2022).
8. Giancotti, M., Ciconte, V., & Mauro, M. (2022). Social Reporting in Healthcare Sector: The
Case of Italian Public Hospitals. Sustainability, 14(23), 15940.
9. Giancotti, M., Mauro, M., & Rania, F. (2022). Exploring the effectiveness of a P4P scheme from
the perspective of Italian general practitioners: A replication study. The International Journal of
Health Planning and Management, 37(3), 1526-1544.
10. Giancotti, M. (2022). L’area di consolidamento dei gruppi pubblici. Principi contabili e
problematiche applicative. p. 1-180, Milano: Strategie, governance e valutazione d’azienda.
Franco Angeli, ISBN: 978-88-351-3716-0.
11. Mauro, M., & Giancotti, M. (2022). Business continuity management for building resilience in
crises period: an empirical survey on Italian listed companies. In DALLA CRISI ALLO
SVILUPPO SOSTENIBILE Principi e soluzioni nella prospettiva economico-aziendale
(pp. 40-57). Franco Angeli.
12. Mauro, M., & Giancotti, M. (2021). Italian responses to the COVID-19 emergency:
Overthrowing 30 years of health reforms? Health Policy, 125(4), 548-552. RIVISTA
ANVUR CLASSE A – RIVISTA AIDEA (Ranking Q1) – Ranking 2 (ABS 2021) – Ranking
A (ABCD 2022).
13. Giancotti, M., Lopreite, M., Mauro, M., & Puliga, M. (2021). The role of European health
system characteristics in affecting Covid 19 lethality during the early days of the pandemic.
Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-8. RIVISTA ANVUR CLASSE A.
14. Giancotti, M. (2021). Responses of Italian public hospitals to COVID-19 pandemic: analysis of
supply and demand of hospital ICU beds. Medical Sciences Forum, 4(1), p. 16. MDPI.

15. Giancotti, M., & Mauro, M. (2020). Building and improving the resilience of enterprises in a
time of crisis: from a systematic scoping review to a new conceptual framework. Economia
Aziendale Online, 11(3), 307-339.
16. Giancotti, M., Sulku, S. N., Pipitone, V., & Mauro, M. (2020). Do Recovery Plans Improve
Public Hospitals Efficiency and Productivity? Evidence from Italy. International Review of
Business Research Papers, 16(1).
17. Mauro, M., Rotundo, G., & Giancotti, M. (2019). Effect of financial incentives on breast,
cervical and colorectal cancer screening delivery rates: Results from a systematic literature
review. Health Policy, 123(12), 1210-1220. RIVISTA ANVUR CLASSE A – RIVISTA
AIDEA (Ranking Q1) – Ranking 2 (ABS 2021) – Ranking A (ABCD 2022).
18. Giancotti, M., & Mauro, M. (2019). Implementation of segment reporting in healthcare public
sector: profiles of innovation and accountability needs. In Identità, innovazione e impatto
dell’aziendalismo italiano. Dentro l’economia digitale (pp. 503-514). Università di Torino-
Dipartimento di Management.
19. Giancotti, M., Rotundo, G., & Mauro, M. (2019). Choosing wisely for health: a context analysis
through a systematic search of the published literature. World Review of Business Research,
9(1), 20-47.
20. Mauro M., Rotundo G., Giancotti M. (2018). Could hospital recovery plan improve information
for stakeholders? in Nuove Frontiere del Reporting Aziendale, Franco Angeli, Milano, Italy.
ISBN 9788891786876, 155-175.
21. Mauro, M., Giancotti, M., Scotti, S., Misericordia, P., & Rotundo, G. (2018). Preliminary
investigation into general practitioners’ willingness to accept the pay-for-performance scheme: A
replication study. Mecosan, 106(2), 65-92.
22. Rotundo G, Mauro M, Giancotti M. (2018). General Practitioners’ Current and Emerging
Views about Pay for Performance Schemes. Journal of Clinical Research and Medicine, 1(2), 1-
3. DOI: 10.31038/JCRM.1000107
23. Rotundo G, Mauro M, Giancotti M. (2018). Effect of a pay for performance schemes on
improvement of the childhood immunization coverage rates: A literature review. Pediatric
dimensions, 3(3), 1-4. ISSN: 2397-950X. DOI:10.15761/PD.1000175
24. Giancotti, M., Rotundo, G., Pipitone, V., & Mauro, M. (2018). Efficiency and Optimal size of
Italian Public Hospitals: Results from Data Envelopment Analysis. Epidemiology, Biostatistics
and Public Health, 15(4).
25. Guglielmo, A., Staropoli, N., Giancotti, M., & Mauro, M. (2018). Personalized medicine in
colorectal cancer diagnosis and treatment: a systematic review of health economic evaluations. Cost
Effectiveness and Resource Allocation, 16(1), 1-14.
26. Mauro, M., Talarico, G., & Giancotti, M. (2017). Mapping the field: A bibliometric analysis of
accountability literature in healthcare. Mecosan, 101(1), 7-30.
27. Giancotti, M., Guglielmo, A., & Mauro, M. (2017). Efficiency and optimal size of hospitals:
Results of a systematic search. PloS one, 12(3), e0174533.
28. Giancotti M., Pipitone V., Mauro M., Guglielmo A. (2016). 20 Years of Studies on Technical
and Scale Efficiency in the Hospital Sector: a Review of Methodological Approaches. International
Journal of Business and Management Invention. ISSN (Online): 2319 – 8028, ISSN (Print):
2319 – 801X. Volume 5 Issue 3, March, 34-54,
29. Giancotti, M., & Mauro, M. (2015). Scale Efficiency of Public Hospital: A Content Analysis
of 20 Years of Research. World Review of Business Research, 5(2), 24-38.