Sociology of Health and Medicine aa 2022-2023


Prof. Cleto Corposanto

DEGREE: Sociology

Course Information

SPS / 07, 8 ECTS, 48 HOURS, 3°year, II semester.

Teacher information

The student reception is scheduled at the end of the lesson. Students and undergraduates can still request further meetings by sending an email to address

Course Description

The aim is to describe and analyze the multiple connections between subjectivity, social dimensions and health. In particular, reference will be made to the main sociological theories on health / disease – starting from the bio / psycho / social Triad -, nutrition and its role in health processes and the approach of narrative medicine as a path that favors the relationship doctor-patient in the care agreement.


The program will be divided into 3 macro areas, namely:

  • Theories of sociology of health
  • Nutrition, health and lifestyles
  • Narrative medicine

Preparation for the exam requires a study of approximately 150 hours in addition to the 48 hours of lessons held in the classroom.

Teaching methods used

Lectures, seminars, exercises, cooperative learning, case studies.

Learning resources

  • Maturo A., Sociologia della malattia. Un’introduzione, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2007
  • Corposanto C. – De Francesco V., Le relazioni alimentari. Sociologia e cibo: storia, culture, significati, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2016
  • Charon R., Medicina narrativa, Raffaello Cortina editore, Milano 2019

Mode of attendance

The methods are indicated in Article 8 of the University’s Didactic Regulations.

Method of assessment

The general procedures are indicated in the University teaching regulations in Article 22 available at the link

The final exam will be carried out with an oral interview.

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Cleto Corposanto è Professore Ordinario di Sociologia alla UMG dal 2008. Presidente del Corso di Laurea in Sociologia (L40) e coordinatore del curriculum "Migrazioni, salute e tutela dei diritti fondamentali" del dottorato di Ricerca "Ordine giuridico ed economico europeo". E' stato Direttore scientifico dei Master "Demoscopia e indagini di mercato", "Direttore dei servizi sociosanitari" e "Criminal Research Methodology". Dall'aa 2022-2023 insegna insegna Sociologia della scienza (8CFU) e Sociologia della salute e della medicina (8CFU) alla L in Sociologia, e Sociologia della complessità sociale al Dottorato di ricerca del DIGES-UniCz. In passato ha insegnato Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale (12 CFU).