Sociology of Science aa 2022-2023


Prof. Cleto Corposanto

LT: Sociology

Course Information

8 ECTS, 48 HOURS, 2° year, II semester.

Teacher information

The student reception is scheduled at the end of the lesson. Students and undergraduates can request further meetings by sending an email to the address

Course Description

The course is divided into 2 modules of 24 hours each:

Module 1: Science and society

The module will deal with issues concerning the link that exists between science and societỳ in order to highlight the role that sociology plays in the mechanisms and processes that take place in contexts linked to discovery.

What has been discussed will be deepened through concrete examples and case studies relating to today’s context, with an eye also to the past, to highlight the transformations that have occurred with the passage of time.

Module 2: Complexity and complex systems

The module will address the issues of complexity and complex systems also in seminar form with the intervention of some of the most important national and international scholars on the subject.

Course objectives and expected learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student must have acquired the key concepts of the sociology of science not only from a theoretical point of view but must also be able to apply the knowledge learned in today’s contexts, with particular attention to scientific innovations. In particular, the student must have learned the link that exists between the sociology of science and the interactions that exist with other scientific-disciplinary fields.


  • Why we need to rethink science: the re-emergence of scientism and science as a humanistic enterprise
  • The foundations of human and scientific knowledge: gnoseology and epistemology
  • Society in science: Popper, Kuhn, Feyerabend, Merton, Latour
  • Complexity as an ontological event
  • Complex systems

Estimate of the hourly commitment required for the individual study of the program

Preparation for the exam requires a study of approximately 150 hours in addition to the 48 hours of lessons held in the classroom.

Teaching methods used

Lectures, seminars, exercises, cooperative learning, case studies.

Learning resources

Mandatory textbooks:

  1. Gobo G.- Marcheselli V., Sociologia della scienza e della tecnica. Un’introduzione, Carocci, Rome 2021
  2. Corposanto C., Questioni di sociologia pubblica. Metodo, relazioni, emozioni, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2022

Recommended reading:

  • T. S. Kuhn, The structure of scientific revolutions, Einaudi editore, Turin, 2009 (original edition 1962)
  • Benasayag M. (with Cohen T.), Cinque lezioni sulla complessità, Feltrinelli, Milan, 2020
  • Morin E., Conoscenza, Ignoranza, Mistero, Raffaello Cortina, Milan 2018

Support activities

Seminars dedicated to the study of specific issues.

Attendance mode

The methods are indicated in Article 8 of the University’s Didactic Regulations.

Method of assessment

The general procedures are indicated in the University teaching regulations in Article 22 available at the link

The final exam will be carried out with an oral interview.

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Cleto Corposanto è Professore Ordinario di Sociologia alla UMG dal 2008. Presidente del Corso di Laurea in Sociologia (L40) e coordinatore del curriculum "Migrazioni, salute e tutela dei diritti fondamentali" del dottorato di Ricerca "Ordine giuridico ed economico europeo". E' stato Direttore scientifico dei Master "Demoscopia e indagini di mercato", "Direttore dei servizi sociosanitari" e "Criminal Research Methodology". Dall'aa 2022-2023 insegna insegna Sociologia della scienza (8CFU) e Sociologia della salute e della medicina (8CFU) alla L in Sociologia, e Sociologia della complessità sociale al Dottorato di ricerca del DIGES-UniCz. In passato ha insegnato Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale (12 CFU).